Modern ordering options to delight today’s hotel guests

With technology offering a multitude of order and pay solutions, it’s time for hoteliers to say goodbye to the old pad and pen. The humble smartphone is now an integral part of the travel experience. Route planner, travel guide, camera and more – all in a single device. Your guests never leave home without it. Smartphones are now so pervasive that there are enough for 1.3 devices for every person in the UK – and 91% keep the device within arm’s reach at all times. One report suggests that we change our phones more often than our toothbrushes, which goes to show just how important these devices are to travellers – and to your hotel. By ignoring the importance of technology within the guest experience, hoteliers are missing a trick – especially in the area of food and drink.
In our latest eGuide, we dig deeper into the drivers of order and pay apps, download our guide today.