One version of the truth

By keeping everything in one place and sharing data, you benefit from one, real-time version of the truth: no more discrepancies between different systems or inaccurate reports. Instead you get full, instant visibility over the whole supply chain – what’s in stock, what’s on its way, and what needs to be replenished.

Strong financial performance

A smart purchase-to-pay system delivers savings that your Financial Director will love. With tight control over purchasing, eliminating the risk of over-ordering, you can minimise wastage and avoid too much cash being tied up in stock.

You can also take advantage of the reporting capabilities to see what’s happening across your estate. For example, you can identify goods that are selling well and negotiate better rates from suppliers. Similarly, you can see which items aren’t selling and remove them at a venue level. It’s the little details that allow you to take smart financial decisions.

This is Zonal's purchase to pay system

Get the right goods from the right place at the right price

If you operate multiple sites, the chances are your head office has negotiated specific rates and created a list of approved suppliers. This prevents staff from panic-buying expensive items from unapproved sources, or over-zealous chefs deciding to source their own produce from completely different suppliers.

Zonal’s smart system knows which supplier to use for which particular product or ingredient, so staff don’t need to worry about the details. All they need to do when stock is running low is place the order and the system takes care of the supplier, cost, and delivery terms. It’s one less thing to worry about and one less thing that can go wrong.

Create templates

The Acquire purchase-to-pay system is endlessly configurable too. For example, head office can configure which suppliers are required by each site and create time-saving order templates for frequently requested items.

This means staff don’t have to scroll through a long list of items that are irrelevant for their venue. Instead they only see goods that they will need to order for their site.

Real-time visibility of stock usage and repletion

With the Acquire purchase-to-pay system, stock levels are automatically updated as sales are processed and stock is checked in with each delivery. There’s no need for rekeying of data, a process that wastes time and can introduce errors.

Because Acquire has live information it can deliver real-time reporting. Unlike some platforms that only give you an hourly or even just a daily view, Acquire gives you instant updates around the clock: the information you need is there whenever you need it. That can be a real benefit during particularly busy times when you need to know exactly what you have in stock and whether anything is running low.

Supplier integration

Hundreds of suppliers of every size already interface with the Acquire purchase-to-pay system, and it’s quick and easy to add more. A full list can be viewed here. Acquire provides a variety of interfaces to accommodate a wide range of supplier scale and complexity. Small local artisan suppliers through to large national wholesaler with extensive integration requirements can all be boarded quickly and easily. For further information, see our FAQ’s here.

This is Zonal's procure to pay system

Efficient invoice reconciliation and accurate financial information

Once goods are received, any discrepancies are noted and automatically passed into the stock system – there is no rekeying required, no human error, and no time spent on paperwork.

You can integrate it with your finance system too, automating payments to suppliers. Acquire gives you the power to keep your supply chain ticking over with minimal intervention from your team.

Automated triggers

Acquire can automate everyday tasks. For example, you can set trigger levels for specific goods so that when stock levels reach those triggers, the system can automatically reorder them – and order them from the right supplier in the right quantities at the right price.

What our customers say about Zonal's Purchase-to-Pay solution

Zonal’s solutions are purpose-built for the hospitality industry, benefiting large chains and small independents alike.

This McManus logo, a Zonal customer
“Acquire has given us full visibility over our entire stock management process. It’s brilliant our suppliers have been able to integrate with the platform, meaning our sites and Head Office have visibility and control of the real-time order process.”
McManus Pubs
This is Hydes logo
“With an accurate view of stock and wastage, plus real-time alerts to areas of inefficiency, we are now building an action plan to improve gross profit across the estate.”
Adam Mayers, Finance Director, Hydes Brewery

Purchase-to-pay software works well with

Mobile Order and Pay

Keep staff and customers safe and COVID-compliant by empowering guests to take the ordering and payment process into their own hands. Available exclusively to Zonal EPoS customers, this fully customisable solution is deployed quickly and simply via your website.

Get in touch

Contact our sales team to discover how Zonal products can help improve your bottom line