Increase engagement with a customer loyalty scheme

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Brochure: Meet Zonal’s EPoS

This is Zonal's online booking system
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EPoS terminal: z500 fact sheet

This is Zonal's Loyalty system
Zonal’s Loyalty solution is a unique web-based platform enabling you to create, run and measure bespoke loyalty programmes giving you the ability to recognise and reward your most loyal customers.

Whether you’re looking to build an online programme, loyalty mobile app or physical loyalty card (or all three), Zonal’s Loyalty solution is incredibly easy to set up, and with full integration to Zonal’s EPoS, redemption and reconciliation at the point of payment is completely automated.

Using loyalty and spend data you can analyse customer trends, optimise your programmes and send targeted marketing communications to increase repeat business and drive sales to the right customer at the right time.

Get in touch

Chat with our sales team to learn about how Zonal products could benefit you.