Bowled over by efficiencies at Hollywood Bowl Group case

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case study

Roseacre Pub Company joins up operations and lays the foundations for growth with Zonal’s EPoS

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case study

Shorefield Holidays reduces inventory management costs and boosts guest experiences with connected tech from Zonal

Hollywood Bowl Group is the UK’s number 1 bowling venue, boasting 61 sites across the country. Hollywood Bowl Group sites combine bowling with amusement machines, licensed bars and snack bars to provide their customers with a whole evening of entertainment in a single venue.

Powerful reporting

Leisure and hospitality have always been a close partnership. Zonal bring that partnership closer together by supplying a management system that integrates fully with the Lane Management System used by Hollywood Bowl Group. The Food and Beverage Manager at Hollywood Bowl Group feels that the biggest failing of their previous EPoS system was the lack of reporting tools and the inability to analyse business performance. “Zonal’s Back Office software means that the manager now spends less time doing admin and more time doing other things, speeding up all business processes”. Indeed when managers spend less time in the office doing paperwork, they can concentrate on running the business and identifying ways to make more money!

Zonal’s Dimensions reporting tool is fully customisable allowing Hollywood Bowl Group to view detailed reports on all aspects of their business. As Hollywood Bowl Group’s business grows and changes, so too can Dimensions reporting. Dimensions had been configured to report on the issues that affect Hollywood Bowl Group today, but they were particularly impressed by having the power “to tailor this tool to their needs”.

Thorough user training

Training is a crucial part of modern computerised business. Zonal excel in this field and Hollywood Bowl Group were particularly impressed with the structure of the training courses and Zonal’s training facilities. Zonal’s training courses cover all aspects of installation, site setup and day-to-day tasks and each course has been written in such a way that it can be used both to learn about the system in a training environment and as reference material during live installations.

Detailed stock control

“Zonal has an excellent stock control system”. Hollywood Bowl Group is well aware of the importance of careful stock control and Zonal’s system is so powerful that they can obtain accurate stock reports in real-time – the back office PC produces reports that are accurate to within 5 seconds. Hollywood Bowl Group can also analyse stock movements to identify fastest selling lines and the responses of customers to promotions. This way if sales are moving slowly they can introduce extra promotions mid way through the trading period to boost sales.

Mobile EPoS handheld terminals

Handheld terminals come into their own in the bowling environment. Bowling is a group activity, so nobody wants to be the one to go to the bar. However, with handheld terminals your customers don’t need to go without a drink and you don’t have to miss a sale. Sales staff can take orders without taking anyone away from the action and waiting staff can deliver the drinks. Teamwork that can keep your customers happy and your business booming!

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