Zonal's purchase to pay software

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Brochure: Meet Zonal’s EPoS

This is Zonal's online booking system
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EPoS terminal: z500 fact sheet

Acquire is a core component within Zonal’s suite of Stock and Order solutions and can be purchased as a bolt-on to Zonal’s standard EPoS Stock and Order module. It’s an intuitive, end-to-end online purchasing management solution – ideal for companies with multisite estates.

Acquire enables your staff to see what’s in stock, what’s on order and when orders are due for delivery. It reduces wastage by eliminating over-ordering and it improves margins significantly by sourcing goods in the best quantities from the best supplier at the best price.

Visibility of stock on hand, stock on order and minimum stock levels at the point of order provide operators with all the accurate, real-time information they need to optimise stock levels – reducing out-of-stocks and avoiding excessive stockholding.

Full integration with Zonal’s EPoS system means that you will only ever display exactly what’s available to sell, with one version of the truth shared across all your sites.

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Chat with our sales team to learn about how Zonal products could benefit you.